Sport, an effective way to keep off the pounds
Physical exercise is the second pillar of a healthy lifestyle. It consolidates the benefits of a good diet by burning a number of calories and building muscle mass. It reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, or depression. Finally, combined with good nutrition, physical activity is the most effective way to not regain the pounds lost after a weight loss diet or bariatric surgery.
The many benefits of exercise
In a medical opinion published in 2020, the Kino-Québec organization shares its recommendations for the Quebec population to make the most of the benefits of physical activity. It explains why it’s important for Quebecers not only to increase their level of physical activity, but also to diversify their activities.
Here are some interesting facts from the notice:
- Although all physical activity has beneficial effects on health, varied exercise offers additional benefits.
- Sport is good for everyone, but it must be adapted to each individual’s physical condition.
- Each individual’s efforts to practice more sports, in a diversified way and according to his or her aptitudes, will benefit everyone and, in the end, it’s the population of Quebec that will come out on top.
“A little physical activity is better than none, and more is even better” – Kino Québec
Find motivation and enjoyment in a sporting activity
According to a Quebec population health survey conducted by the Institut de la statistique du Québec in 2014-2015, in Quebec, 41% of the population aged 15 and over achieves the recommended upper level of leisure and transportation physical activity. People are considered active if they do 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 150 minutes of high-intensity activity per week. A higher proportion of men aged 15 and over (44%) than women (38%) achieve the recommended upper level of physical activity for leisure and transport. The proportion of sedentary people is higher among women (31%) than among men (29%).
“Exercise does not have to be hard to be beneficial. The main thing is to move regularly with PLEASURE.”
— Laure Schlup, Swiss specialist in adapted physical activity
However, it is not necessary to register at a gym or spend a fortune on equipment. To run or walk, all you need is a good pair of shoes and cans are much cheaper than dumbbells. The most important thing is to find in yourself the motivation to get started and, above all, to persevere.
Sources :
L’activité physique et le poids corporel, Kino-Québec, mars 2020 (PDF, 2,7 Mo).
Pour une population québécoise physiquement active : nouvelles recommandations, Cent Degrés, juin 2020.
Notes :
(*) In the sports world, the term “aerobic” refers to endurance efforts that consume oxygen and release heat.