Annual report 2023

Donation of $40,000 to the Clinique Tremplin at Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital

This donation made it possible to offer specialized care and services to families of children or adolescents suffering from obesity and wishing to improve their lifestyle habits. A fitness circuit for young adolescents has been set up and inaugurated in spring 2024.

$85,000 raised during Builders’ Evening

In May 2023, this benefit evening raised a net amount of $85,000 for the Ronald-Denis Foundation

$60,000 donation to the BariOptimum pilot project

We funded a 3-year pilot project. 43 patients who underwent bariatric surgery were followed by nutritionists and psychologists.

$10,000 offered in financial assistance

The foundation responded positively to several requests for financial assistance to help people with obesity and breast cancer problems.

$50,000 for the purchase of the Moses 2

This donation enabled the purchase of the brand new Moses 2 to offer non-invasive surgeries for men’s health problems.

$10,000 awarded to Dr. Alexis Deffain

The Foundation helped Dr Alexis Deffain and his team for the research “SADI versus OAGB as a revisional surgery for non-responsive sleeve gastrectomy: short-term outcomes of a single Canadian bariatric center. »

$91,000 raised during the golf tournament

Thanks to the participation of our collaborators, partners and volunteers, the Foundation raised a net amount of $91,000 following this benefit event.

Contributing to the health and well-being of the community

Your donations allow us to improve access to healthcare and support innovative medical approaches.